Friday, November 03, 2006

Baseball v. Sleep: Baseball wins

I am re-posting this picture since i find it important. I stayed up from 1-5 AM last Saturday morning to watch the Cardinals claim the World Series championship. What a moment.


Heiders said...

Well, I guess I'll re-comment. I like the loyalty, and I like the timing with Pujols. There.

Jenni said...

Oh dear that's sad. Well I'm sure you'll fill it up with more adventures. So, French, huh...? I admire your fortitude. It sounds so pretty but it's so ridiculous(ly hard for me to learn)...

Anna said...

Unfortunately it was the act of a French-only windows system on an office computer, and not my attempt at fortitude, that brought about this calamity. Or rather, my carelessness with said computer.